Weight Loss IV | Best IV Miami
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Weight Loss IV Therapy Infusion


Burn Fat

The Weight Loss IV Infusion Therapy from Best IV Miami features carefully selected vitamins, mineral, and amino acids to give you the most benefits. Although fad diets may seem like the easiest path to dropping a size, they’re all but guaranteed to fail in the long run because they ignore underlying medical issues and metabolic pathways. Sometimes, the success or failure of your effort depends on changing approaches to managing your other medical conditions and adjusting your daily habits. As part of your program here at Best IV Miami, you will work with a healthcare provider to determine your nutritional requirements and metabolic needs. Your medical history and medications will be reviewed to identify underlying concerns that may be interfering with permanent weight loss. You will also receive counseling on how to make day-to-day behavioral and lifestyle changes to help you reach a healthy weight.

  • B-Complex Vitamins – This collection of essential vitamins puts your brain in high gear. Healthy levels of vitamin B complex can boost your mood and memory while engaging your brain in breaking food down into energy.

  • Vitamin B12: Also known as cobalamin, vitamin B12 is what keeps your body functioning at the cellular level. As you age, you need to take in more vitamin B12 to maintain your levels and keep your metabolism going.

  • Vitamin C: Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is a key part of how your body burns fat. It also works with the adrenal gland, which manages your stress responses and fatigue levels.

  • Taurine: Taurine can help you focus your energy where you need it to be and may help increase your endurance.

  • MIC: MIC stands for methionine, inositol, and choline — three essential lipotropic nutrients that aid in fat breakdown and metabolic processes.

  • L-Carnitine:  Although many people call L-carnitine an amino acid, it’s actually more of a vitamin-like substance that plays a number of roles in your body.  It’s formed in your liver and kidneys and made from two essential amino acids (lysine and methionine). Some medical professionals prescribe L-carnitine in supplement form to help support those with heart conditions, diabetes, erectile dysfunction, and other health conditions. But because of its role in fat metabolism, it’s best known for its ability to aid in weight loss, particularly when combined with a healthy diet and exercise routine.


What Issues Does the Weight Loss IV Therapy Infusion Address? 

The Weight Loss IV Infusion Therapy 


  • Optimize your vitamin levels and absorption: An IV provides large doses of the nutrients your body needs to function properly and efficiently.

  • Help you recover from workouts faster: When you fuel up on the things your body needs before working out, you’re less likely to overexert yourself or deplete your supply.

  • Boost your adrenal gland: When your adrenal gland is in top shape, so is your metabolism, ensuring you get the most out of every step you take.

  • Improve your sleep: Getting enough sleep is just as important as working out when it comes to weight loss. When you sleep, your body has the chance to repair itself using our IV vitamins so it’s ready to go for another day.

  • If you are interested in giving it a try, we welcome you to schedule an appointment with Best IV Miami today.

Quality Program

The Weight Loss IV Infusion Therapy kit has the most rigorous quality review ordered by Olympia Pharmaceuticals and provided by ARL Bio Pharma, which is accredited to ISO 17025:2017 and follows various requirements established by the FDA, ICH and USP.


Weight Loss

Fat Burning

Improve Metabolism

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