O2 Oxygen Therapy | Best IV Miami
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What is O2 Oxygen Therapy?

Oxygen, a gas found in the air we breathe, is necessary for human life. Some people with breathing disorders can’t get enough oxygen naturally. They may need supplemental oxygen, or oxygen therapy. People who receive oxygen therapy often see improved energy levels and sleep, and better quality of life.

When getting oxygen therapy at a spa, an appointment is usually required and oxygen treatments can often be combined with other wellness services, such as massage.

When you arrive, you’ll be presented with a selection of aromas or flavors, and a staff member will explain the benefits of each aroma. Most are fruit scents or essential oils for aromatherapy.

Once you make your selection, you’ll be taken to a recliner or other type of comfortable seating.

A cannula, which is a flexible tube that splits into two small prongs, fits loosely around your head and the prongs rest just inside the nostrils to deliver the oxygen. Once turned on, you breathe normally and relax.

Oxygen is usually offered in 5 minute increments, up to a maximum of 30 to 45 minutes, depending on the establishment.


Benefits of Oxygen Therapy?

Relaxed after 02 Therapy

Release Stress

Feel your best with O2 Therapy, Oxygen therapy reduces the stress response, thereby lowering inflammation. A 2017 study found that hyperbaric oxygen therapy lowers proinflammatory cytokine (small proteins that are important to the cell signaling and communication process) while elevating anti-inflammatory cytokines. 

Energyzed group after O2 Oxygen Therapy

Increase Energy Levels

Your cells need oxygen to make energy. Your lungs absorb oxygen from the air you breathe. The oxygen enters your blood from your lungs and travels to your organs and body tissues.

O2 Therapy has been proven to help increasing energy and providing that extra boost that you need.

Meditating on Bed after o2 Oxygen Therapy

Improve Concentration

O2 Threapy will help you improve concentration since your body and brain are receiving up to 95%  pure oxygen.

Because of this your brain will have the sufficient oxygen, improving cognitive and concentration processes, helping you to perform better on your daily life.

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